Sunday, November 27, 2011


I wish I could come up with some witty blog post or have something inspired to write...but alas I don't. To be honest things have been pretty boring lately in my life. I've felt stressed out about stuff for the last month and things are FINALLY starting to calm down. I'm getting a much needed and well deserved day off tomorrow, so I've just been relaxing this weekend and catching up on my rest. Being stressed is bad enough...but being pregnant and stressed is just down right tiring lol.

I think tomorrow I'm going to go shopping for Christmas decorations for the house with my sister and try to get the house in Christmas condition. Only a couple more weeks until I host a Christmas party and I want this place to look festive! I then plan to spend the afternoon watching Beauty and the Beast (because I'm cool like that) and then going to see Breaking Dawn with my mom.

Well I'm off to watch some never before heard of B list movie on TMN on Demand...until next time!

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