Eating becomes a challenge...
...well at least eating hot food when you want it does lol. It never fails, dinner is finally cooked and set out on the table, you sit down and as you are about to scoop that first bite into your mouth...the crying starts...or the fussing or just the general need for attention. Most moms become pros at the one handed eating, you learn to master the knife and fork while entertaining baby at the same time! It's not always easy but it can be done! When the little one starts eating....that's a whole other story! Right now I don't have to worry about that too much, but I know my days of eating while everyone else eats will soon be over, because for a while I will have to help Cole eat his dinner, until he gets the hang of feeding himself. I enjoy this time though, so you won't catch me complaining.
You learn to love your new body...
....or you work extra hard to get your old one back. Personally I am still working towards LOVING my new body....I like it, but can't say I love it. I attend a bootcamp fitness class three times a week and enjoy spending that time on me and I am really liking the way my body is changing because of it. You learn to just adjust to your new body, on the bright side it might mean a new wardrobe ;)
No one expects you to be "Super Mom" except for you...
I think a lot of new moms go through expect yourself to be able to do everything...and you just can't! You can't expect to always have a super clean and tidy house, for dinner to be on the table by 5pm sharp, for your child to be well behaved, fed, cleaned and ready to go! There is a lot to do as a new mom and eventually you get a schedule down, it might take a while, but you do. I try to get cleaning in during nap times and food prep in while Cole is busy entertaining himself on the mats in the living room....and everything else will get done when it gets done. My house never seems to be clean enough or tidy enough...but it's really all just baby stuff EVERYWHERE....and I'm ok with it! If you spend too much time dwelling on everything you haven't got done or still need to do, you are going to run yourself into the ground.
My "Me" time often becomes thinking time...
Me time usually is comprised of going to bootcamp and coming home and taking a shower. I should be spending most of this time focused on me, but instead I find myself running through every decision that needs to be made and making lists of things I need to do. When I'm in the shower I often find myself thinking about EVERYTHING....from what I should do with my hair to what I am going to make for dinner to all of the things that need to be done around the house! I feel like my brain never shuts off. Bootcamp usually takes my mind off everything for the hour that I'm doing's the drive there and back that I spend thinking. Lots of good decisions have been made in the shower....
Clean? What does that mean?!...
Nothing ever seems clean enough anymore. I can vacuum, mop and tidy up and give it a day or two and everything seems in disarray again. Most of the mess is baby stuff everywhere as I stated earlier. Baby clothes, baby toys, books, blankets....everywhere lol. I tidy everything up and then just have to take it all back out again when it's time to play (which is always). I know it really shouldn't matter, I just miss having a semi-organized house.